• The first headache

    After a painful headache, with old interests about procedural algorithms and rpg games I decided to play hard. Why not? a procedural role playing game map generator, a tasty idea to make my brain burn some months...

    For a single person, work around that kind of problems can be a strong endeavour. After studding some theory about that topic, I have see that there's a lot of layers that compose a procedural scenario created from the scratch. Of course, with some months and other courses to complete I had to think well about what is possible to do and what escapes from my possibilities.

    I have to shorten my last research to some lines. There's a lot of "layers" to work around when you decide to program that kind of systems and also a lot of questions in the air:

     2D or 3D?  Which material I will have to work with? What kind of engine I will use to show a visual result without implement a game? Using a tileset system or try to combine categorised assets with some intelligent algorithms?

    But this is only the beginning... Terrain, Vegetation? Evolving environment? Resources, enemies, rewards? Caves, dungeons, castles, crypts? What kind of connection between that sub-maps? Lights, day cycles?

    Yes, that was crazy.

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