• Box2D, Stardust Particle Engine - Demo

    Along the second year of my HND studies in videogames programming we had the chance of choose a topic and research about it. We had the opportunity to choose an engine or lybrary and make a demonstration of its capacities. I was working with a friend, Leandro Ruíz in a single project about two interesting fields: Box2D and Stardust Particle Engine for Flash.

    We had to integrate Box2D into a FlashDevelop environment and test some possibilities that this physics engine gave us. Also, we had to adapt some Stardust Particle Engine utilities, parsing some code and studying how to work with some features into the FlashDevelop environment.

    The result was quite fun and satisfactory. I will add the links to both; library and engine and also a video to the swf result.

    WATCH THE DEMO HERE Demo Box2D - Stardust Particle Engine

    Box 2D

    Stardust Particle Engine

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